Teaching & Training Tools

Exam Software

Create test, exam in any language. eLearning, online-test solution. Exam talks. Supports six types of questions including essay type questions. You can add graphics, audio and video, password protection. Provides Student Answer Sheet facility, spell check, text-to-speech functionality to read...

Fresh Memory

Fresh Memory is an education application for studying languages with Spaced Repetition method and flash cards. Its primary purpose is to learn and repeat foreign words. But other areas can be studied as well, for example, country's capitals, flags, mathematical...

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Test constructor is a universal program for testing knowledge. The program can be used to perform testing both at home and various educational institutions. The program allows using an unlimited number of topics, questions and answers. Test constructor supports five...


Listening Singing Teacher helps you to sing in tune and in rhythm. The visual feedbacks for pitch, beat and loudness allow you to train your "mental ear" by aiming the pitch in your head and adjusting your voice to produce...

WizIQ Recordor

WizIQ Recordor is a powerful and easy to use free PowerPoint add-in that lets you create video lectures right from your desktop.This software lets you record your live audio, video or sync pre-recorded audio with presentation slides and animations to...

Screen Highlighter

Use Screen Highlighter to annotate or highlight anything on your screen. Just have the program running and hit the hot-key combination whenever you need it. Draw freehand translucent lines around anything on your screen. Hold down Shift and move your...

Best Reader

Best Reader, the speed reading software for mastering speed reading in two weeks. After 15 one-hour studies with the Best Reader you will increase your reading speed up to 10 times, improve your reading comprehension and develop your memory. It...

Question Tools Editor

Question Tools Editor is a fully-functional, free, e-learning tool used in 148 countries. Programming, scripting and HTML skills are not required. Editor allows you to create exciting, interactive e-learning lessons, exercises and tests for delivery using any modern web browser...

TGI Presentation Companion

The Presentation Companion is a PowerPoint Add-In that allows you to instantly import slides into any PowerPoint Presentation. With The Presentation Companion you can insert the free sample slides included with this add-in, or the fun and interactive trainer Slide...

Free GRE Practice Test

As you know The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is a standardized test that is an admissions requirement for many graduate schools in the United States, in other English-speaking countries and for English-taught graduate and business programs world-wide. The best way...

Solfeggio Studio for Piano

The best software for learning perfect pitch, relative pitch, and sheet music. Master note grammar, tone recognition, intervals, chords, scales, and tempo for different instruments. Learn to put music theory to use by making it second nature. Proven results for...

  • Demo
  • 20 Jul 2015
  • 23.51 MB

Free Quiz Maker

There are different kinds of quizzes and creating them with pen and paper can prove to be very tiresome. Not only will the masters have to come up with questions, but also answers; which is even more daunting in case...


Listening Music Teacher helps you to learn how to analyze sounds. The program explains the relationship between our music system and the laws of physics. It shows the difference between the just intonation system and the equal tempered system. It...

Ultimate Maths Invaders

Ultimate Maths Invaders v2 Suitable for ages 5 to Adult Rapid-fire Tables and Number Facts Use rapid-fire tables and number facts to defend the planet from waves of invading maths problems! Get started straight out of the box, or take...

Free Typing Test

A Free Typing Test is a very useful tool for improving the accuracy and speed whilst typing. There are many different types of tests used for this purpose and it is very easy to practice using this tool. The test...